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Boston Tech Firms Are Laying Off Hundreds. Will The Office Market Feel It?
Downtown Office

By Cameron Sperance | Bisnow | March 5, 2020 A string of recent layoffs in Boston was bad news for the city’s typically robust tech sector. But analysts say the furloughs have more to do with normal business operations than signs of a tech pullback from Beantown. Cambridge-based Akamai Technologies cut around 75 jobs in early February. Wayfair laid off […]

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“The Providers” Expands in Framingham Relocation
Downtown Office

The Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers, a/k/a “The Providers,” relocated from Boston and signed a new long-term lease for more than 7,000 square feet at National Development’s 100 Crossing Boulevard in Framingham, MA. The Providers relocated from 4,200 square feet at 88 Broad St. The Providers selected 100 Crossing Boulevard in part because of […]

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The hunt for yield in 2020 – by Jason Weissman of Boston Realty Advisors
BRA Ignite

Macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainty has had capital from around the globe flocking to the U.S. Treasury market for decades. Albeit one of the safest investments in the world, yields are at historic all-time lows, making it an arduous task to achieve attractive risk-adjusted yields from fixed income investments. In November, Bill Gross told the Financial Times that […]

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