Viewing posts from: April 2020
Thank you Aubrey Cannuscio for joining the BRA Morning Zoom
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Aubrey Cannuscio, the CIO of Linear Retail, with a portfolio of 95-properties, began the Morning Zoom by saying that he would take the 2008-09 financial crisis over the craziness of today.  Aubrey told us that his father and grandfather were homebuilders and that he got his work ethic from them.  He shared how his children […]

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Thank you Jeremy Leventhal of Faros Properties for joining the BRA Morning Zoom
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Jeremy Leventhal, co-founder of Faros Properties and real estate scion joined us from the Hamptons.  He talked about how the private markets are temporarily frozen and that physical due diligence is near impossible.  The conversation extended into discussing multifamily assets, office consolidation, and cowork facilities. Jeremy was born and raised in Newton, MA.  He said […]

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Thank you Tom Tognoli for joining the BRA Morning Zoom
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Tom Tognoli, real estate industry legend, joined BRA for a Lunch & Learn on Zoom.  Mr. Tognoli was born and raised in Sunnyvale, CA.  He still resides there and is hunkering down in his vacation home, located in Northstar Mountain – Lake Tahoe, CA. Tom began his 30-minute chat with a quick overview of his […]

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Thank you Barry Sloane for joining the BRA Morning Zoom
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Barry Sloane explained that like most, Century Bank has been extremely busy.  He said, “We’ve planned for redundancy and resilience. We’ve planned for numerous scenarios related to our facilities. However, we never planned for a pandemic and people not working. The safety of our staff has always been paramount.  As such, we proceeded accordingly and […]

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Thank you Howard Anderson for joining the BRA Morning Zoom
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Howard Anderson joined the BRA Morning Zoom and gave a great talk about Adversity.  He began by saying that some overreact, while others underreact – neither works.  The following are other takeaways from the balance of his presentation. Mr. Anderson referenced a Mormon tradition of storing food for 6-12 months and reminded the group about […]

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