Viewing posts from: November 2000
Boston Suburbs, Cambridge MA
Boston Suburbs Growing and Attracting Millennials
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Boston suburbs are competing with urban properties more than ever and not just for families and older generations, but millennials as well. This competition comes at a time when Boston suburbs are beginning to see growth and becoming strong contenders for people of all ages when considering where to live. While Boston’s strong urban center […]

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Chinatown Hotel Proposal BRA
Chinatown Hotel Proposal
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Proposed plans for a new hotel in Chinatown will add to the already booming hotel industry within Greater Boston, according to Boston Business Journal. Westbrook Partners has outlined the plans for the 17-story, 250 room hotel in the heart of Chinatown, taking place of what is currently an 8-story warehouse and office building. The proposed […]

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311 Summer Exterior
Boston’s Green Buildings
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While today may be Earth Day, Boston is a city that is green all year round. As one of the first cities in the nation to require a green building standard through municipal zoning requirements, all large-scale projects now meet certain LEED certification standards. These buildings represent the ‘best-in-class building strategies and practices’ throughout the city through the green […]

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