Capital Markets: A Deep Dive into the Boston Investment Landscape
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The Boston commercial real estate investment landscape has taken a dramatic hit during the pandemic. The economic uncertainty has left many frozen and unsure how to approach investing. How leaders are approaching the current landscape, the deals that can be done, how lenders are approaching the pandemic and what strategies some are using today that […]

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Unlock Capital With A Sale-Leaseback of Assets & BRA
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Unlock Capital With A Sale-Leaseback of Assets & BRA Learn more HERE.

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Re-Imagine Housing Affordability in a Post-Pandemic Boston
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Like many cities today, Boston has a shortage of affordable housing. Along with that, the Boston population is expanding significantly faster than housing can be built. What will this mean Bostantonians long term? Solutions for limited space, reducing project expenses and expediting the preconstruction process all come down to the initial design phase. Design leaders […]

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