Dees Stribling | Bisnow | July 14, 2020 Office space has been open in Massachusetts since Phase 1 of the commonwealth’s reopening plan went into effect on May 25, but office workers and their managers aren’t rushing to return. That doesn’t mean they never will, just that the uncertainty is still too strong. During the […]
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Viewing posts from: Suburban Office

‘We Were Way High’: Reality Of Phased Office Comeback Falls Short Of Landlord Expectations
Downtown Office
By Jon Chesto | Boston Globe As few as one out of five employees will spend all workdays in the office Six months ago, LogMeIn chief executive Bill Wagner never would have imagined he would hire his next chief financial officer without meeting him in person first. Wagner would have said that’s crazy. Not anymore. Sure, […]
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By Dees Stribling | Bisnow |June 2, 2020 The long-term outlook for affordable housing depends on its location in walkable areas with access to transit that will take residents to their jobs: urban density, in other words, or at least a pocket of density around a transit node. The pandemic has called that model into question, […]
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