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Capital Stack
The Evolution of Capital Stack for Condo Construction
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Funding condominium construction has slowly become a much more complicated process throughout the last decade, according to The Real Deal. Especially in the past year, the amount of money that banks in the US are willing to lend to developers has decreased a large amount, especially for high-end luxury projects. This decrease is forcing developers […]

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Food Halls Creating Opportunity for CRE Development
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One of the major retail spaces that has undergone a reinvention is the food court, now reimagined as global food halls. This concept of combining the traditional market with upscale food vendors is not a new one, however it is quickly spreading and creating new engaging spaces throughout cities. These types of developments not only […]

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Kendall Square Innovation Center
Commercial Laboratory Real Estate Growth and Future in Boston
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East Cambridge is known for being the world’s most compact cluster of biotechnology experts, according to Encompass Green 2016.2 report. Within the report they analyze commercial laboratory real estate in the second quarter of 2016, which showed record absorption, increasing vacancy rates and other important developments. According to the statistics there was a record absorption […]

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