Viewing posts from: Suburban Office
The New Office Rewards Quality Over Value
Downtown Office

By William H. Catlin Commercial landlords consumed the past 10 years trying to accommodate a moving target, under the budgetary guise of “maximizing heads per square foot.” The open floor plan has been tried and tested in multiple formats – from coworking solutions to headquarter locations. Architects, landlords, and tenants alike have learned from trying […]

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Millennials and Gen Z Still Value Traditional Office Space
Capital Markets

Commercial landlords swept up in coworking and open office trends have not lost sight on the importance of physical office space in accommodating the Millennial and Gen-Z consumer. By Mariah Brown  | GlobeSt | March 10, 2020 Commercial landlords swept up in coworking and open office trends have not lost sight on the importance of […]

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Transit During The Era Of Social Distancing: How The Pandemic Has Impacted Transit & What That Means For Boston
Capital MarketsLeave a comment

The use of transit and commuting has come to a halt since the start of the pandemic. Now, people are wondering what continued social distancing measures will mean for the future of subways and busses. How might the office community be impacted with limited commuter options moving forward? How will a lack of accessibility to […]

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