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Office Markets
Boston Office Market Reaches Record Highs
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Predictions a few years ago all pointed to the decline of the office market, stating the reshaping of the American workplace and dramatic technological changes as the main causes. However, the exact opposite seems to be occurring as office vacancies hit record lows and overtake the last office peak that was reached in 2001. The […]

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Curious George Harvard
Harvard Square Redevelopment
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A landmark of Harvard Square is set to be redeveloped after a trio of buildings in the historic space were purchased last October for $85 million. Equity One has filed plans for the redevelopment of the complex between Brattle, JFK and Mount Auburn streets in Harvard Square. The plans have been filed with the Cambridge […]

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Wynn Boston Harbor Casino
Wynn Boston Harbor Casino Moves Forward
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Somerville announced that it will no longer fight to challenge Wynn Boston Harbor environmental permit, according to Boston Business Journal. The huge gaming resort development is due to open in Everett in June 2019, received a license earlier this month and began construction. Despite the license Somerville officials were strongly considering seeking a judicial review […]

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