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Get Out To Vote! A Message From Boston Realty Advisors, Massachusetts’ Largest Independently Owned Brokerage Firm

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Pandemic Or Not, Affordable Housing Still Needs Density And Transit
Downtown Office

By  Dees Stribling | Bisnow |June 2, 2020 The long-term outlook for affordable housing depends on its location in walkable areas with access to transit that will take residents to their jobs: urban density, in other words, or at least a pocket of density around a transit node. The pandemic has called that model into question, […]

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Boston Construction Struggles To Adapt To Social Distancing – And How To Pay For It
Capital Markets

By Drees Stribling | Bisnow | May 19, 2020 As the construction industry in Boston is poised to reopen completely, the challenge of operating efficiently while social distancing are only going to intensify, experts said this week. According to the speakers at Bisnow’s recent webinar, How to Get Boston Construction Back Underway, it has already been a struggle. […]

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